Sunday, September 28, 2008

17 Wonderful Years

17 Years. Are you kidding me? Where has the time gone? To think 17 years ago we were barely out of high school. Greg was fresh off his mission, and I'd never lived outside my mom and dad's house. We married in the Seattle temple, and I still remember it vividly. Our sealing was at 8:30 a.m. We had to get up so early that morning to make it there on time. My cute grandma stayed with me, got up early, and stayed by my side the entire time, helping me throughout the morning. It was raining that day which is typical for Seattle. Friends and family joined us in one of the sealing rooms. Greg and I admired each other across the altar. Just kids. That's what we were. We all chuckled as he stepped on my train, taking me off balance. It was an amazing experience - not one I'll ever forget. I remember feeling whole really for one of the first times in my life. I felt like my life had purpose. I had someone to share forever with - someone to experience life with.

Now here we are 17 years later and not much has changed but so much has happened. When I think about what all we've done and what we've accomplished, it just kind of boggles my mind. We really are in our late 30's. We really have been married for 17 years. We really do have a little boy. We really have a purpose, and we've really made the last 17 years count. It hasn't always been easy (especially me - I've made it hard at times for Greg), but it's always been worth it. I wouldn't trade Greg for anyone. He is the most incredible person in my life - always has been - and always will be I hope the next 17 are just as exciting and eventful. Happy Anniversary Baby! To us!
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