Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Day with Friends

Yesterday was Valentines Day. Since I was out of town up through Wednesday, I didn't really have much preparation time. I didn't even have pancake mix in the pantry to make Dakota is favorite "pink" heart pancakes. What a bad mom! No card - no gift. I wasn't prepared. I did help Em with their Valentines party though, and that was fun. A bunch of silly 6 year olds running around.

After school I made Dakota pancakes and bummed a pink and white sprinkle Krisy Kreme donut off Sara to give to him. That would have to be good enough.

Then we headed out the door to find Greg (Daddy) a Valentines gift. We hit Buckle (our new favorite store) and picked out some jeans and a couple of t-shirts for him. His tight behind looked great in his new jeans. It would have been nice to have our personal shopper (BJ) with us to help make final decisions, but I think we did okay.

While there I couldn't resist shopping for me too! I found me a cute new pair that I absolutely love. Since friends take care of friends, I called Sara to tell her about them, and she and I both bought them. They are the comfiest jeans ever. I promise (Greg, I really do) to wear them a lot!

Last night we got together with some friends and had a yummy dinner from CPK (my personal favorite). Colby wasn't too excited about his "blah" salad - in which they piled it high with tomatoes (which I requested they leave off when I ordered everything) and beets (who eats these?).

The kids played, and the grown-ups chatted. All in all it was a nice evening. Thanks to our friends the Allens for always hosting our get-togethers. Their poor house was torn apart by the time we left.


Kris and BJ said...

I am so Happy you are blogging!!!! I am so sad we missed you guys last night and this weekend. We will make up for it next weekend!