Sunday, July 6, 2008

Boating with the Allens

Dakota and I went boating yesterday with Sara, Colby, and the kids. It was such a great time. We only had a couple of hours to kill, but we used the time wisely! We swam in the lake and then got pulled on the tube.

Sara cracked me up. Colby kept railing her for not keeping a consistent speed while he and Brooklin were on the tube. She thought she was. It fluctuated a little bit - from around 8.4 to 9.2. We finally figured out what the problem was. She wasn't watching the Speedometer. She was watching the depth-gauge. No wonder!

It was great fun. Dakota had a blast. He loved jumping off the end of the boat into the water. Of course Mommy had to save him a couple of times. He had a hard time swimming with his life jacket on. I'm glad we enforced it though. I guess during the time we were out there another little boy wasn't so lucky. He was swimming without his life jacket, went under the water, and then never surfaced. Safety first. That's what's most important. I'm glad all our kids were safe and had a great time!!
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Kris and BJ said...

Looks like you guys have had a lot going on. We missed you guys for the 4th. Great job on your race!!!! You are awesome!!!