Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dinner and a Movie

The other night Greg had plans to host a "cinema" night. He'd printed tickets, bought movie food, and thought it would be fun for the family to watch "Zoom" together. He built it up and told Dakota he needed to work for his ticket by helping me out around the house. Dakota totally got into and was anxious for "cinema" night. (BTW - thank you Colby for telling Greg about the idea).

Later Ry came over to play with Dakota. I made dinner, and Dakota kindly asked if Rylan could stay and have dinner and watch the movie with us. It was so cute, and it actually made me flash back to all the times that I as a child used to do the same thing to my mom and dad. No matter what they had planned, whether it was meant to be just the family or not, I would ask if a friend could come over. Or it would be the other way around; my friend and I would ask "her" parents. For a moment I remembered what it felt like to be a kid again and just how exciting the feeling was to have a friend over for longer than just a two-hour playdate.

Needless to say of course we wanted cute Rylan to stay with us. The boys ate really well (I'm not kidding), and then Greg turned on the movie. We got permission from Doug for Rylan to stay late. The movie didn't end until 9 p.m. on a school night. From the kitchen as I was cleaning, I could hear little giggles coming from the family room where they sat watching their movie. It's just hard for me to believe that we are already beginning "that" stage. Friends are so important.

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