Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Nauseated Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. Greg and Dakota have taken extra special care of me today. They made me a yummy breakfast omlet (it tasted better than it looked - it was Greg's first attempt ever at an omlet). Then Dakota surprised me with a cute pen flower that rests in a pot along with a homemade card, and Greg picked me out a new perfume that I'd mentioned to him recently after finding it in a magazine. How thoughtful and what a good memory!

All in all it started out to be a great day. Something wasn't quite right though. My stomache was unsettled. I went to church, led the Primary through a couple of Mother's Day songs, and then it hit me hard. I felt nauseated, had a headache, and needed to lie down. So off to home I went, got back into my comfortable bed, and went to sleep. It's just been one of those "not quite normal" days.

I have the best home teachers in the world - Colby and Curtis. They brought me delicious popcorn from Simply Splendid (Colby and Sara's store). The three of us (Greg, Kota, and I) have already downed it all. I didn't share the pretzels though - they are by far my favorite. I've decided today is my FREE day. I am eating anything and everything in my site. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll start fresh, but for today, I'm enjoying whatever I want.

I am so thankful for a loving husband and a wonderful son. I could not be luckier. I love my family, and I am thankful they love me - through everything. Today I just feel lucky to be a mom!

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