Sunday, March 16, 2008

Skiing with Dad

We haven't really been able to ski much this year. I'm not sure why. I think it's the whole setting aside a day to hit the slopes thing. It's not that we don't enjoy it because we really do. I miss it. Growing up my family took ski trips up to Whistler. We'd ski the week between Christmas and New Years - without fail. I loved it.

Now it's almost like we have to have an excuse to go skiing. This time my folks were in town - staying up at their place in Deer Valley. Mom couldn't ski because of her surgery, so I had an automatic babysitter for Dakota.

Dad and I decided to go skiing. We invited Uncle Doug and my cousin, Ben, to join us. We had an amazing day. It had dumped just the day before, and the sun was out. It was cold enough to keep the snow good, and we skiied like crazy. Who knows when I'll get up again this year - if I will at all. Even if I do, it won't beat the great day we had in February on the slopes.

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